Published on October 19, 2021
By Riverview Dental
An oral cancer screening involves a doctor examining the patient's mouth to look for signs or symptoms of cancer. The examination may occur on a routine visit to the dentist. They may also perform additional tests to check for atypical cells in the mouth. You may wonder why you need screening if you are generally healthy. The screening test is not a guarantee of oral cancer — it is just a safety measure.
Oral cancer often affects your tongue and lips. However, it may also occur in your gums, cheek lining, and the roof or floor of the mouth. Some forms of oral cancer, like squamous cell carcinoma, spread quickly. Lifestyle choices like smoking and heavy drinking put you at a higher risk of suffering the disease. Some chronic diseases such as human papillomavirus may increase the risk of getting oral cancer.
Several other factors can contribute to you being at risk of oral cancer. Medications like immunosuppressants weaken your immune system. This reduces your body’s ability to fight infections.
Chronic rubbing of your teeth due to irritation from fillings or dentures can leave wounds in your mouth. These can become cancerous if you do not receive dental medical attention. Poor dental hygiene may also be a contributing factor. This is because it creates a hotbed for foreign bodies to multiply.
Several symptoms may indicate that you have oral cancer. Mouth and ear pain are among the common symptoms. If you develop a lump inside your mouth and experience difficulty swallowing, you need to go for an oral screening. Sores on your lips and mouth that do not heal are dangerous signs. Additionally, reddish-white patches are a common feature of early-onset oral cancer.
Oral cancer screening is an important part of your dental appointment. It aims to detect any signs of oral cancer early. Early-onset cancer is easy to manage. The oral lesions are easy to remove at this stage, and you can get ahead of good oral care and regular dental appointments to prevent damage from accelerating.
If you have a family history of cancer, you may want to have periodic oral cancer screening tests. If you have any lifestyle habits like tobacco and alcohol use, you may also benefit from checkups.
When you visit your dentist for an oral screening, they will examine your mouth and throat with a light and mirror. They use a tongue depressor to get a good view of any swellings, abnormalities, and ulcerations.
Your dentist will also palpitate your jaw, neck, and the outside of the cheeks. This helps them feel for any abnormal cysts. The oral cancer screening test is short, lasting approximately five minutes.
For the sake of early detection, most dentists recommend periodic oral cancer screenings. Adults above 20 should have oral screenings at least once every three years. If you are above 40, you need to have oral screenings annually. Smokers, heavy drinkers, and persons with HPV must also have annual screenings.
For more information on oral cancer screenings or to schedule an appointment for a screening, call Riverview Dental in Corunna, Michigan at 989 743 485 today.