Published on May 31, 2020
Dental hygienists always stress the importance of flossing. Flossing may seem tedious, but it contributes greatly to your health. Experts say that brushing your teeth and gargling mouthwash cannot remove what’s lodged between the narrow gaps of your teeth. Only a flexible and durable tool like dental floss can strip your gumline of those stubborn particles. If you don’t want to go to your dentist more than twice a year, here are the top reasons for flossing your teeth.
Everyone knows that halitosis, or what you call bad breath, is not a sign of good dental hygiene. Dentists maintain that flossing daily is critical in preventing halitosis. This condition happens when stubborn food particles and bacteria stay between your teeth. Flossing every day helps eject these foreign bodies. Once they’re out, you can get your mouthwash and rinse them out of your mouth.
Clinical studies conclude that gum disease, or periodontal disease, can reach other areas of your body when it seeps into your bloodstream. When this happens, you will develop complicated and fatal diseases. Medical experts can usually associate gum disease with rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy issues, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, and respiratory issues. With regular flossing, you can achieve optimal oral health and even prevent the onset of serious ailments.
Research shows that a healthy gumline produces a healthy, radiant smile. The moment gum disease starts to attack, it can eventually reach the jawbones that support the lower part of your face. As periodontal disease progresses, your face starts to have a sunken look. Flossing daily keeps your teeth and gums from deteriorating. If you maintain your oral health, you keep yourself looking younger a lot longer.
Dental experts explain that flossing eliminates 40 percent of the total work you have to do to remove the sticky accumulation of bacteria in your mouth. If you don’t floss, this collection of bacteria will turn into plaque, which is a stubborn substance that adheres to your teeth. Plaque then irritates your gums and aids in the development of gum disease. In just hours after you eat, plaque hardens. If you don’t floss within 48 hours, the plaque on your teeth gets more stubborn and cavities will start to form. This level of plaque would already call for an extensive professional cleaning at your dentist’s clinic.
Dentists elaborate that your gums bleed because your body sends blood to your gumline to fight off the bacterial infection. When you floss regularly, it removes the plaque in between your teeth, decreasing the number of bacteria that your body needs to combat. Eventually, bleeding in your gums will stop. By then, you won’t have to stress about seeing blood each time you clean your teeth.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, dental checkups are almost impossible to keep. Flossing regularly can help keep your mouth healthy as you stay home and stay well. We, at Riverview Dental, do our best to remind you about oral hygiene habits you can do at home. When things get better, please visit our clinic in Corunna, Michigan, for a one-on-one consultation. In the meantime, you are welcome to call us at 989-743-4851 if you want to ask questions or schedule an appointment.